Zagope/Inzag develops in its projects a set of programs and campaigns for the prevention of work accidents with the aim of reaching zero accidents.

In all its projects, the Health Safety Management System is implemented and certified by an independent entity, in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Health and Safety Programs

Incident Prevention

Safety Leadership
Safety Patrols
Safety Technical Inspections
Analysis and Treatment of Deviation and Near-Accidents
Specialized Training
Motivational Program
Gemba Walk Observations Program
Control of critical activities
Workplace Safety Integration
Safety Daily Talks
Legal Requirements Management
Hazard and Risk Assessment
Golden Rules
Security Performance Analysis
Internal and External Audits
Appropriation of the Cost of Non-Security
Checks of Machines, Equipment and Installations

Within the scope of safety, we highlight our golden rules, which bring together simple and objective behaviors that should be followed by all workers to minimize risks and ensure the physical integrity of our team.

Golden Rules

Thus, the company has brought together simple and objetive behaviours that must be followed by all collaborators to minimize risks and ensure the physical integrity of our team.